2024 Lightweight Deflectometer Correlation Event
Dates of 2024 Trial:
9th to 12th September
Off highway testing venue:
AECOM Pavement Test Facility, Nottingham, NG9 6RZ
£450 per device – please note there will be no reduction for multiple devices.
Payment will be taken by Sports Test Equip for the event. Once the Registration Form has been completed, Sports Test Equip will invoice each company based on the details provided within the form
How do I book?
To reserve your space at the trial, please complete the registration form below and pay the fee before 30th August 2024.
Attendees will be expected to:
Book in advance
Supply device information (serial no. manufacturer and model) and a copy of the latest annual calibration certificate(s) for ALL machines in advance of the trial
Comply with site safety requirements
Provide an operative with calibrated LWD(s) in a suitable condition for correlation
PLEASE NOTE – the registration form must be completed, and the fee paid for each device you intend to bring to the trial prior to attendance.
Your space will only be reserved once this is completed.
National Highways and Transport Scotland are supporting this year’s event, aiming to assist the industry with this initiative, which will ultimately enhance the efficient use of materials.
Register now to take advantage of this opportunity to correlate your device and network in the fresh air with industry representatives, including authors of the British Standard and highway standards.
The British standard (BS 1924-2) and Manual of Contract Document for Highways Works (MCHW) require all Lightweight Deflectometers (LWDs) used on National Highways and Transport Scotland sites to have undergone annual correlation. The alternative is costly site-specific correlation trials which are individually evidenced and non-transferable.
AECOM Pavement Test Facility, Nottingham, NG9 6RZ